Made up of individuals from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, MPO musicians all share a passion for gathering together weekly during the non-summer months to perform the classical orchestral repertoire. MPO musicians hold themselves to the highest musical standard and play with a commitment and pride rarely found in ensembles whose members perform without compensation.

Admission to the roster is by audition. Players who wish to audition should submit a video through this form (a smartphone video is fine!) that features works that you are most comfortable with. As a guide, the most effective auditions include contrasting selections (slow and fast).:

To apply, please supply all the information requested below, including links to videos posted (publicly or privately) on online video sharing services (YouTube, Vimeo, Google), or to cloud storage devices (e.g., DropBox; OneDrive; Google Drive). Video submissions will be reviewed only by the audition committee which includes the conductor and other relevant MPO section leaders. Submitting a video is required for consideration.